Vanessa Jones, Voice Over Actress
Voicing the heart of your story.
Vanessa is a versatile voice talent. She loves to engage people with her enthusiasm and conversational style. She holds a B.A. in Theatre and English from Bucknell University and an M.A. in English from the University of Iowa. She spent a decade teaching English and theatre, and as a result she is particularly good at conveying informational material in a clear, friendly, and dynamic way. Because of her experience in the education field, Vanessa excels at narrating educational content and content for kids. Her velvety voice is in demand for commercials and corporate narration. She also has many character voices up her sleeve.
Read more about Vanessa in this WY Daily Article
and this Peninsula Chronicle article.
Vanessa records from her professionally equipped home studio using a Neumann TLM 102 microphone, a PreSonus Studio 26C interface, a 2021 iMac, and Adobe Audition.
Theatre major and drama teacher
A VO’s Journey Elite Academy coaching
Voice coaching with Marc Graue
Voice coaching with Brad Hyland
Demos produced by J. Michael Collins and Marc Graue
Vocal Qualities
natural, friendly, enthusiastic, bright, warm, sincere, compassionate, trustworthy, energetic, genuine, happy, mysterious, sexy, velvety, luxurious, dramatic, informative, authoritative, professional, conversational, calming, empathetic, general American accent, middle aged female